
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Deployed link/ Api Endpoint - https://kore-ai-assignment-api.herokuapp.com

Postman Api Documentation - https://go.postman.co/workspace/Ankur-Raj~7e97fa1c-0ca9-4e61-8501-8d311b2f78af/collection/13031474-3aa04979-e081-41d1-80df-2b13e2d68535?action=share&creator=13031474

Github Link - https://github.com/ancoreraj/Kore.AI

*** New Feature - Email Jwt Authentication ***

How to run the server locally

  1. Extract the file
  2. Add .env file at the root
  3. Add MONGO_URI & JWT_SECRET variable in the .env file
  4. Run npm install
  5. Run node app.js

How to use the apis-

  1. Register the Admin with /auth/signup api
  2. Login the Admin
  3. All the orders routes are auth protected so add authorization : Token "jwt token" before making all the orders api requests