Bibliothèque pour la transformation d'une série de plages horaires représentant un format emploi du temps vers le standard OSM pour les horaires d'ouverture.
Voir la spécification OpenStreetMap opening hours pour en savoir plus au sujet de la syntaxe cible.
- 🪧 À propos
- 🚀 Installation
- 🛠️ Usage
- 🤝 Contribution
- 🏗️ Built With
- 📝 Licence
yarn add @gouvfr-anct/timetable-to-osm-opening-hours
// Insert deploy with gitpod ?
To setup the project locally see the contributing guide
- TypeScript Strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript
- Jest framework to run automated tests.
- Configuration: .tooling/.eslint/.eslintrc.cjs
- Eslint Static code analyzer to find syntax problems.
- Configuration: .tooling/.eslint/.eslintrc.cjs
- Local Documentation: .tooling/.eslint/.eslintrc.cjs
- Prettier Opinionated code formatter.
- Configuration: .tooling/.prettier/.prettierrc.cjs
- Husky Modern native git hooks. Used for quality check on commit and push.
- Configuration: .husky
- Commitlint checks if your commit messages meet the conventional commit format.
- Configuration: .tooling/.commitlint/commitlint.config.cjs
- Lint-staged execute commands on staged files.
- Configuration: .tooling/.lint-staged/.lintstagedrc
- Github Actions
- Semantic release Automates the whole package release workflow.
- Configuration: .tooling/.semantic-release/.semantic-release.config.cjs
See the file.