
Object Store Demo: Mule 4.2.2


This project is created using Mule 4.2.2 and Anypoint Studio 7.4.2 to demonstrate the different capabilities of Object Store.

Sample URLs:

  1. To store the object store key value pairs: http://localhost:8081/objectstore?key=familyKey (POST) Sample data: { "familyname":"Parashar's", "sector":"Service" }

  2. SpecificKey retrieve: http://localhost:8081/objStoreOps?op=specificRetrieve&key=familyKey (GET)

  3. empty the object store http://localhost:8081/emptyObjStore

  4. cleanup based on a specific key http://localhost:8081/emptyObjStore?op=remove&key=familyKey


  1. in Store option, if you wan to restrict the key,value option to check for duplicates (should fail if exists), use the configuration "Fail if present -> true" Similarly if you want to make flow to fail if there is no value to key(during startup or shutdown), use the configuration "Fail on null value -> true"