
Project for practice REST API automation testing

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains REST API Testing automation code using Python

The project uses:

  1. Python 3.9 and higher
  2. Pytest
  3. Requests
  4. Allure Framework for reports
  5. CI (GitHub actions)

Testing application:

git: https://github.com/berpress/flask-restful-api

url: https://stores-tests-api.herokuapp.com

swagger: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/berpress/flask-rest-api/1.0.0

How to start

By using Windows Terminal, Python and pip

  1. Place the repository files into the directory of your choice
  2. Create virtual environment
py -m venv env
  1. Activate created virtual environment
  1. Install project's dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install pre-commit
pip install pre-commit 
  1. Install Allure Framework
  2. Install Java

How to run tests

  • Without Allure Test report

All tests:


Positive tests:

pytest -m positive

Negative tests:

pytest -m negative
  • With Allure Test report
pytest --alluredir=allure_reports

Show generated report in browser:

allure serve allure_reports