
Parallel link-level simulator for error-correcting codes evaluation

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Parallel link-level simulator for error-correcting codes evaluation


This module provides simulation routines for error-correcting codes. It provides the following functionality:

  • AWGN channel routines (BPSK, QPSK, QAM-16 modulation, additive white Gaussian noise simulation, soft demodulation)
  • Parallel execution of multiple tests for different signal-to-noise ratios
  • Proper initialization of the random number generator to provide independent RNGs within multiple processes. By default, the numpy default_rng random number generator is used

Module structure


The structure of the Simulator is as follows. It starts from the DataEntry class, which keeps decoding statistics for a single SNR point. These statistics can be incrementally updated.

The DataStorage accumulates multiple SNR points. It also provides data-saving routines and informs the Simulator whether to proceed to the next SNR or stop the simulations.

The Simulator runs user-specified decoding function in parallel until the simulation reaches the requested number of errors, or the number of experiments, or reaches the minimum probability of error specified by user.

To instantiate the DataStorage, the user must provide a DataEntry type (any class that implements methods like print, merge, calculates error count and error probability).

For more details, refer to the demo script.

Simulation scripts

Some automated routines are presented in tools.py, which allow:

  • Gradually increase the batch size to reduce communication overhead
  • Gradually increase the maximum number of errors to be collected such that a user has the simulated results that gradually improve the collected statistics (default for automated experiments)
  • To automate experiments (see run_all_experiments function). Experiments assume a JSON configuration file to be parsed. If some parameters are lists, multiple experiments with the iteration over elements are conducted.


demo scripts runs a dummy decoder that is able to correct some fixed number of errors. Default DataEntry class provides input/output BER (bit error rate), input SER (symbol error rate), and the output FER (frame error rate). One can implement any arbitrary experiment. To avoid communication overhead, avoid keeping bulkey structures within this class.

Live plot

To check the simulation result in realtime, demo starts a process that periodically loads the pickle file with the simulated data, performs postprocessing, and generates a plotly figure. One can view this figure using dash (URL will be printed to demo.py output). The following plots are available:

  1. Uncoded bit error rate and its theoretical values
  2. Output frame error rate (FER) with error bars corresponding to confidence intervals for Bernoulli trials,
  3. A smooth FER generated by a linear regression over the logarithm of the error probability and bernoulli likelihood function

These outputs are saved to the text file that can further be captured by latex (See corresponding standalone tex-file)


The code is assumed to be used as a module. To run demo experiment, proceed through the following steps:

  • Create a JSON file specifying the experiment. Demo-example is shown below:
    • JSON file consists of two sections: "experiment" and "simulations". The first section keeps all data required to instantiate the experiment. The second section keeps all simulation-related data. Below is an example with comments.
    • To instantiate the demo experiment, specify the following parameters:
      • block_len specifies the codeword length
      • correctable_errors specifies the number of errors that demo-decoder can correct (see demo.py)
      • modulation a string constant specifying the modulation (upper or lower case). supported values are 'BPSK', 'QPSK', and 'QAM-16'
    • To run simulations, specify the following parameters:
      • snr_range a string that represents a MATLAB-style array 'min:step:max'
      • max_errors is a maximum number of errors to be collected. If the specified number of errors has happened, simulator stops evaluating the corresponding SNR point and proceeds to the next one.
      • max_experiments is a maximum number of experiments to conduct. If this number is hit before the condition above, simulator will proceed to the next SNR point
      • min_error_prob is a minimum probability of error to be simulated. If (after the conditions above satisfied) the probability of error goes below the specified value, simulation stops. Simulator assumes that the probability of error decreases with the SNR increase, and it iterates through the sorted SNR values. Note that some requested SNR points may not be evaluated.
      • chunk_size is the number of single tests to be performed by a worker at once. If not specified, default value is one. If the batch size is too large, data merging may become a bottleneck. This may happen when trying to evaluate very small probability of errors. To improve simulation efficiency, try increasing this parameter.
      • look_ahead allows to schedule multiple batches simultaneously to optimize the CPU usage. Default is 2. See Scheduler class in simulator.py for more details. If this parameter is grater than zero, then look_ahead next SNR points are simulated even if the point under consideration has not captured enough experiments.
    • To configure postprocessing, specify the following parameters:
      • confidence_level is a confidence level for error-bars
      • pe_threshold is a maximum probability of error to be included in the regression model (values close to one may result in numerical instability)
      • max_degree is a maximum regression degree (in the case of spline regression - a maximum number of reference points)
      • max_degree_ratio is a upper-bound for regression degree if the number pf points is small. Regression degree can not be larger than N/max_degree_ratio, where N is the number of points simulated
      • regression is a regression type. For the polynomial case, a polynomial model (in log-domain) with a Bernoulli loss function is applied. For the spline case, a set of adjustable reference points defines a smooth curve. The latter option is better suitable for the case when an error-floor appears.
    • The summarized JSON example is presented below:
  "experiment": {
    "block_len": 32,
    "correctable_errors": 4,
    "modulation": "qpsk"
  "simulation": {
    "snr_range": "-5:0.02:10",
    "max_errors": 50,
    "max_experiments": 1e7,
    "min_error_prob": 1e-4,
    "chunk_size": 1,
    "look_ahead": 2
  "postprocessing": {
    "confidence_level": 0.95,
    "pe_threshold": 0.95,
    "max_degree": 15,
    "max_degree_ratio": 3,
    "regression": "polynomial"
  • Run the simulation script (not from the module directory)
python3 -m simulator_awgn_python.demo --config=<json_file>.json


This module was tested in Python 3.8 under UNIX OS with the following packages installed:

  • Numerical python numpy
  • Scientific python scipy for postprocessing and AWGN channel
  • plotly and dash for live-plots
  • pandas for postprocessing
  • filelock to lock pickle data file when simultaneously reading/writing to it

To test the AWGN channel, run the test script that requires scikit-commpy. Note that the latter is considerably slower.