A Laravel 5 package that provide an easy way to get useful browser related information (like supported languages, browser name, etc.) from a request. To elaborate further...
composer require andaletech/laravel-browser-info
In config/app.php add the following line to the aliases section:
'BrowserInfo' => Andaletech\BrowserInfo\BrowserInfoFacade::class,
$languages = BrowserInfo::getLanguages();
Log::info('Browser info:',
'agent' => BrowserInfo::getUserAgent(),
'languages' => $languages()->toArray(),
'support_en_not_strict' => $languages->supports('en'),
'support_en_strict' => $languages->supports('en', true),
'support_fr_not_strict' => $languages->supports('fr'),
'support_fr_strict' => $languages->supports('fr-FR', true),
Will result in:
"agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.186 Safari/537.36",
Encapsulates a single language that the browser accepts. This class allows you to access:
- The two char i18n language code (i.e. en, fr, es).
- The two char i18n country code (i.e. US, FR, ES)
- The q (the preference weight) of the language..
If a browser sends: accept-language: "en-US,en;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8"
$languages = BrowserInfo::getLanguages();
$aLanguage = $languages->first();
Log::info('$aLanguage\'s language:', ['language' => $aLanguage->getLanguage()]); // en
Log::info('$aLanguage\'s country:', ['country' => $aLanguage->getCountry()]); // US
Log::info('$aLanguage\'s q:', ['language' => $aLanguage->getQ()]); // 1
Languages is a collection class that inherits from Laravel's Illuminate\Support\Collection
. Therefore, it has all the same methods as the Laravel Collection, plus some additional methods. Those methods are as follows.
This method takes a i18n language code string (i.e. 'en', 'fr-FR', 'es-ES') as parameter to determine if the browser supports that language. By default, this method returns true
when the browser supports the given language regardless of the country and/or variant segment of the language code. For example, accept-language: "en-US,en;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8"
If a browser sends: accept-language: "en-US,en;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8"
$languages = BrowserInfo::getLanguages();
Log::info('Supports French', ['output' => $languages->supports('fr')]); // true
Log::info('Supports French', ['output' => $languages->supports('fr', true)]); // true
Log::info('Supports French from France strict', ['output' => $languages->supports('fr-FR')]); // false
Log::info('Supports Spanish (any)', ['output' => $languages->supports('es-ES')]); // true
The BrowserInfo facade allows you to easily access informations related to the browser such as the supported languages. The available methods are the following.