ES-Checker is a feature detection library for ECMAScript in node.js and browser. Please visit demo.
$ npm install -g es-checker
$ es-checker
First install es-checker locally.
$ npm install --save es-checker
Then require it in your script.
var Supports = require("es-checker");
if (Supports.letConst) {
let x = 5;
} else {
var x = 5;
The whole Api List please see below.
First insert es-checker.js into your page.
<script src=""></script>
Then use Supports
to decide which feature to use. Visit demo.
if (Supports.letConst) {
let x = 5;
} else {
var x = 5;
The whole API List please see below.
This library is derived from es-feature-tests. The following API is copied from it. Visit for more information, including how to test a feature by yourself.
- letConst: let and const
- defaultParameter: default function parameter values
- spreadRest: ... operator
- destructuring: destructuring assignments/declarations for arrays and objects
- parameterDestructuring: destructuring for function parameters
- templateString:
Template String Literals - forOf: for (var v of something) { .. }
- arrow: x => x * x
- generator: function *foo() { .. }
- conciseMethodProperty: o = { b() { .. }, a }
- computedProperty: o = { ["a" + "b"]: 42 }
- moduleExport: In modules, export default foo = 42
- moduleImport: In modules, import bar from "foo"
- class: class A extends B { .. }
- numericLiteral: Octal and binary literal forms (0o1, 0b10)
- oldOctalLiteral: Old octal literal invalid now (01)
- symbol: Symbol primitive
- unicodeEscape: Unicode code-point escape form in string literals ('\u{20BB7}')
- unicodeIdentifier: Unicode code-point escape form in identifier names (\u{20BB7} = 42)
- unicodeRegExp: Unicode code-point escape form in regular expressions (/\u{20BB7}/u)
- stickyRegExp: y flag for sticky regular expressions
- letTDZ: TDZ error for too-early access of let or const declarations
- constRedef: Redefinition of const declarations not allowed
- objectProto: proto in object literal definition sets [[Prototype]] link
- objectSuper: super allowed in object methods
- extendNatives: class ABC extends Array { .. }
- tco: Tail-call optimization for function calls and recursion
- symbolImplicitCoercion: Symbols can't be implicitly coerced (Symbol("a") + "")
- functionNameInfernece: Inferences for function name property for anonymous functions
- objectStatics: Static functions added to Object
- arrayStatics: Static functions added to Array
- arrayMethods: Methods added to Array.prototype
- typedArrays: TypedArrays like Uint8Array (technically a web platform feature long before ES6)
- typedArrayStatics: Some Array statics (like from(..)) added to the TypedArray constructors
- typedArrayMethods: Some Array methods (like map(..)) added to the TypedArray prototypes
- stringMethods: Methods added to String.prototype
- numberStatics: Static functions added to Number
- mathStatics: Static functions added to Math
- collections: Collections added (Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet)
- proxy: Proxies
- promise: Promises
- reflect: Reflect