
The conway's game of life project implement in C

Primary LanguageC

SDL2 & Console

Conway's Game of Life Development Techniques Project

Conway's Game of Life written in C using SDL2 for graphic rendering.This project runs both in console and with the help of SDL2.


    Libraries for installation before running project:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install libcunit1 libcunit1-doc libcunit1-dev libsdl2-2.0 gcovr cmake  doxygen

Branches and Tags

6 versions of project exists: Tags: Branches

  • v1.0 : step1 - to develop a first version of a code to visualize the Game of Life in console with ansi.
  • v2.0 : step2 - Split development and implement CMake instead of make
  • v3.0 : step3 - New version of game developed. Now Game can be played clipped and circular modes.
  • v4.0 : step4 - Implementing SDL2 library for graphical rendering.
  • v5.0 : step5 - Adding Unit tests for project with help of CUnit library.
  • NaN : master- Continuous integration added and step5 branch merged to master.

Standard rules:

  • Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under- population.
  • Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
  • Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies,as if by over-population.
  • Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.


When running program:

  • Do you want to display in Console => 1 or SDL2 => 2? 1 for running in Console 2 for running in SDL2
  • Clipped=1 or Circular=2 1 for Clipped version 2 for Circlar version


  • git clone https://github.com/raminafandi/Game_of_Life_DT.git
  • cd Game_of_Life_DT
  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake ../
  • make
  • make docs - for creating doxygen
  • make dist - for compressing source
  • make cover_html - for showing coverage report
  • ./Game_of_Life_DT - for running program
  • ./unit_testing - for running unit tests