
GitHub Actions for Craft CMS!

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GitHub Actions for Craft!

Here is a collection of GitHub Actions and workflows to help with common needs for Craft development. Specific documentation for each Action is in its respective respository, and other example workflows leveraging existing Actions can be found in this repository. Ideas for future Actions can be found in issues.

Support Level

More information about GitHub Actions

Ready to use

The following GitHub Actions are published, available to use, and actively supported by Andrii Balashov.


  • Building a production-ready version into a stable branch or other location of choice.


Want to help? Check out our contributing guidelines to get started.

Support Level

Active: Andrii Balashov is actively working on this, and I expect to continue work for the foreseeable future including keeping tested up to the most recent version of Craft. Bug reports, feature requests, questions, and pull requests are welcome.