
MODX Revolution RESTful API

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MODX Revolution RESTful API



MODX API - screenshot #1

MODX API - screenshot #4

MODX API - screenshot #2

MODX API - screenshot #3

How to install

  1. Download and upload to your server or clone the repository.

  2. composer install
  3. Open ".env" file and set DB connection parameters in DATABASE_URL=mysql://db_user:db_password@

  4. Clear cache:

    php bin/console cache:clear
  5. Configure a Web Server:

  6. Create users table in DB:

    bin/console doctrine:schema:create

    Create an administrator with the email "admin@admin.com" and the password "admin" (you can change it later):

    php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append --group=UserFixtures
  7. Generate JWT keys in folder "config/jwt":

    jwt_passhrase=$(grep ''^JWT_PASSPHRASE='' .env | cut -f 2 -d ''='')
    echo "$jwt_passhrase" | openssl genpkey -out config/jwt/private.pem -pass stdin -aes256 -algorithm rsa -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
    echo "$jwt_passhrase" | openssl pkey -in config/jwt/private.pem -passin stdin -out config/jwt/public.pem -pubout
    setfacl -R -m u:www-data:rX -m u:"$(whoami)":rwX config/jwt
    setfacl -dR -m u:www-data:rX -m u:"$(whoami)":rwX config/jwt
  8. Get token:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8000/authentication_token -d '{"email":"admin@admin.com","password":"admin"}'

    Token usage on API page. Click "Authorize" button. Paste string with token:

    Bearer MY_TOKEN