Movie gallery - sagas sandbox

This is a rough draft of some of my early work with sagas, coded during an assignment for Prime Digital Academy

To dos

[x] npm install [x] setup database [x] Home page [x] When a movie poster is clicked, a user should be brought to the /details view for that movie. [x] create details component [x] add route and hashrouter that works for each click -- check Edan's lecture [x] Have a way to get to the Add Movie Page [x] Details page [x] show all details including ALL genres for the selected movie. [x] useSelector to draw down from redux [x] show on DOM [x] Reducer in index.js [x] Saga with axios call [x] Saga put [x] Hint - You can make a GET request for a specific movie. Remember req.params and :id? [x] The details page should have a Back to List button, which should bring the user to the Home/List Page [ ] Base functionality does not require the movie details to load correctly after refresh of the browser. [ ] Add Movie Page [x] an input field (for the movie title) [x] an input field (for the movie poster image URL)) [x] a textarea (for the movie description) [x] a dropdown (for the genres) [ ] Buttons [ ] Cancel button, which should bring the user to the Home/List Page [x]Save button, which should update the title and description in the database and bring the user to the Home/List Page (which now has the new movie) - Base functionality does not require being able to select more than one genre for a new movie - Hint: Look at the /api/movie POST route -- it's been made already - Hint: You'll want to use the genres that are in the db for your dropdown

  • Invest some time in styling it up!
    • Research cards for your movie posters on the list page
    • Research grids for your movie posters on the Movie List page
  • Commit your code frequently! You should have at 15+ commits on a project of this size. Use branches to help break down your features.
  • Comment your code.
  • Update this README to include a description of the project in your own words.