CircleCI Test Coverage Maintainability

Authors Haven

This is an application majorly for reading and writing articles. A user can: post, read, delete, update and share their articles or other peoples articles.

A user can be able to:

  • view their profiles
  • view other peoples profiles
  • bookmark and unbookmark articles
  • comment on articles
  • like and unlike articles
  • like and unlike specific comments
  • follow and unfollow another user

All those features will be found in our application.


This project has the following core dependencies:

  • webpack ( the bundler)
  • babel (the transpiler)
  • react (the js components library)
  • express (node server)
  • bootstrap/popper.js for styling

The project is linted using eslint and the linting rules are defined in the .eslintrc.json file in the root directory. HMR (Hot Module Replacement) is enabled by default and allows for a seamless build experience during development.

To set it up , clone the repo and install the dependencies as follows:

git clone
cd ah-jumanji-frontend

Add the following in your environment .env file


After saving all the env variables, go ahead and run the following commands in the terminal

npm install
npm audit fix
npm start