Authors' Haven - Frontend

CircleCI Maintainability Test Coverage MIT license Reviewed by Hound Netlify Status

A blogging platform for the creative at heart.

Authors' Haven is a simple API that allows users to write, read and share. Our vision is to create a community of like minded authors to foster inspiration and innovation by leveraging the modern web.


Comprehensive documentation for the API is hosted here.


  • Users can create accounts to store their data.
  • Users can create, edit and delete articles.
  • Users can read other authors' articles.
  • Users can follow other authors and share these articles on Social Platforms.


Tools used for development are;

Getting Started

  1. After cloning the repository from here, install requirements by running this command in the root of the repo folder
    $ npm install
  1. Make a copy of .env.example and rename it to .env. Edit the file replacing the respective configuration values.

  2. Run the following command to start the API server:

    $ npm start

Running the tests

To be updated


Many thanks to Ezrqn Kemboi and Bridget Mendoza.

Key Contributors