This app was built using:
- Architecture: TCA (The Composable Architecture by Point Free)
- Language: Swift + UIKit
- Xcode 13.3.1 (13E500a)
- iOS 15
This app is modularized using local modules via SPM. We have feature and core modules.
Core Modules provides the reusable code between features. Ideally, core modules should not depend on Feature modules.
- CoreHTTPClient: Abstraction for a http client allowing get network calls.
- CoreNetwork: Contains the basic files for constructing an network endpoint.
- CoreUI: Helpers for constructing UI elements.
- CoreUtils: Contain some helpfull code that can be used in Feature modules.
Feature modules can use Core
modules but we expect to not have other feature dependencies in feature modules.
- Feature-Heroes: Responsible for showing a list of marvel characters.
- Feature-HeroDetails: Contains the logic of showing a Marvel character detail
The dependencies composition is made in SceneDelegate using the combination of feature reducer's at AppReducer
The MarvelHeroes
folder acts like the composition root where we can access to all the App's dependencies and modules.