
Linked-Charts paper

Primary LanguageHTML



To use minted one needs to install pygments

sudo apt-get install python-pygments

and add --shell-escape flag for pdflatex.

For TeXstudio:

Options > Configure TeXstudio > Commands > PdfLaTeX

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode --shell-escape %.tex


Figures are made as JS/LinkedCharts scripts. To get .svg files (or may be .png)

  • install wkhtmltopdf from https://wkhtmltopdf.org/index.html

  • save html page from the browser to get a static page (if opened it will show both static and interactive plots, but that's fine).

  • get an image with (looks like convertion to png istead of svg works way better)

wkhtmltoimage --enable-local-file-access -f png figA_static.html figA.png

UPD: New version of wkhtmltopdf can run JS and, therefore, saving pages as static HTML is no longer required.