
Follow this link to go to shiny application: https://anderskolstad.shinyapps.io/sdmShiny/ This project is for disseminating the species distribution modeling work done in James Speed's group at the NTNU University Museum. Link to documentation page:

Primary LanguageR


Last update:

#> [1] "2020-05-20 12:53:08 CEST"

Follow this link to go to the Shiny application: https://anderskolstad.shinyapps.io/sdmShiny/

Project homepage

All the documentation for this project is found on this webpage.


Developers should clone the repo and work from there.

About the repo

Large files around 100mb or greater, or unessential raster files etc., are in the data/large/ folder whihc is not pushed (it's in the .gitignore file) and therefore only exists locally with Anders. The same for RData files intill I find a way to load them without getting magic number errors (readRDS don't work with knitr). R markdown files in the root folder produces html files that goes to the docs folder - these make up the github pages website (except the README file which makes up this page).