Introduction is a personal website for Anders Björkland. It performs as a portfolio and blog for personal projects. The project is built upon Symfony 5 and utilizes Doctrine.


How the project should be deployed depends on the hosting service.

Prepare Symfony for deployment

Update dependencies by running the following composer command in the project directory:

composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

Read more about deployment on

Deploying to requires SSH as the project needs to be split into private and public sub-categories.

Generate a .htaccess

The purpose of editing .htaccess and provide it to the host server is so it can interpret routes in a smooth manner. That way each request can omit the [domain]/index.php/[subdomain]:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    Options +FollowSymlinks
    RewriteEngine On

    # Explicitly disable rewriting for front controllers
    RewriteRule ^index_dev.php - [L]
    RewriteRule ^index.php - [L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

    # Change below before deploying to production
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php [QSA,L]

Edit composer.json

Add instructions for Symfony of which directory to treat as the index directory:

"extra": {
        "public-dir": "httpd.www"

Update .env-file with db-credentials

Update with correct user and password accordingly:


If APP_ENV is not set for production, do so:


Edit index.php

Since the code base is split up, we need to instruct Symfony of where it can find its instructions. Add the following to the top of the index.php-file:

require dirname(__DIR__).'/httpd.private/config/bootstrap.php';

Edit /config/services.yaml

We need to update Symfony parameters in the services.yaml-file. the kernel-path isn't used here, since kernel is another directory from the destination. There are two parameters to update:

    images_directory: '/[]/httpd.www/uploads/images'
    files_directory: '/[]/httpd.www/uploads/files'

Edit /config/packages/twig.yaml

We need to update Twig parameters in the twig.yaml-file. There are two parameters to update:

    images_directory: '/[]/httpd.www/uploads/images'
    files_directory: '/[]/httpd.www/uploads/files'

Split files between private and public directories

origin destination
/public/* httpd.www/
/composer.json httpd.www/
/.htaccess httpd.www/
/.env httpd.private/
/bin httpd.private/
/config httpd.private/
/src httpd.private/
/vendor httpd.private/
/templates httpd.private/
/var httpd.private/


Make sure to have bin/console added to the production server and the database credentials updated. Then from the project root (httpd.private) run the following command:

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff

This will show if entity mapping has been updated and generate a migrations instruction if updates are present. To run a migration instruction use the following command:

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate