
A class to calculate different types of natural orbitals based on the output of electronic structure code.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

From computational experiment to quantifiable understanding

This implementation of natural orbitals can be used to e.g.:

  1. Extract parameters for Huckel-type/tight-binding models.
  2. Calculate the electrical conductance of a molecule from a gas phase calculation.

alt text

What is it?

natural-orbitals is a Python class written to calculate different types of natural orbitals based on the output of electronic structure codes. It can also calculate effective Hamiltonians and calculate the electrical conductance on the basis of the Landauer formula.


Run an example file with python: python benzene_transport_example.py or go through the tutorial belown.

How does it work?

Supply the class with input extracted from DFT or HF calculations. Input from GPAW is used in the example but output from Gaussian09 is also possible.

The implementation of natural atomic orbitals (NAO) is based on:

Reed, A.; Weinstock, R.; Weinhold, F. J. Chem. Phys. 1985, 83 (1985), 735.

Note: Spherical symmetry is not implemented. As a result, the NAOs do not neccesarily resemble s, p or d-orbitals.

The implementation of natural hybrid orbitals is based on:

Foster, J. P.; Weinhold, F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1980, 102 (22), 7211.

A little bit of help

Below I go through some of the features of the class.

Initializing class

The class can be initialized with the following parameters.

			'h':		(N,N) ndarray
						Hamiltonian/Kohn-Sham operator in atom-centered basis.
			's':		(N,N) ndarray
						Overlap matrix in atom-centered basis. 
			'ne':		integer int
						Number of electron pairs. It is assumed that the first 'ne' molecular eigenfunctions of h have occupations 2.0. 
						Atoms object from e.g. Atomistic Simulation Environment (ASE).
			'basis_dic':	dict
					Dictionary which links atom index to list of basis function indices. Basis function indices associated with each atom must be consequtive.  
						{False, Boolean}, optional
						If True, an Atoms object (from ASE) will be saved. The ordering of the 'atoms' in this object will have the same ordering as the natural hybrids
			 obtained from get_natural_bonding_orbitals(). 
						{False, Boolean}, optional
						If True, an Atoms object (from ASE) will be saved. The ordering of the 'atoms' in this object will have the same ordering as the natural bonding orbitals
			 obtained from get_natural_bonding_orbitals(). 
			'core_and_valence': {None, bool)
						If input is for an all-electron calculation (like Gaussian): set this to True."""

Obtaining input

In principle, input from any electronic structure code can be used.

Input from GPAW

The tool dump_hamiltonian_parallel() can be used to save the Hamiltonian and overlap matrix to disk. If calc is a converged GPAW calculator and mol is an atoms object:

from gpaw.lcao.tools import dump_hamiltonian_parallel as dhp
calc.dump_hamiltonian_parallel('hs', mol)

This will generate a pickle file. The library basis_dic can be generated with e.g. :

from gpaw.lcao.tools import get_bfi2
basis_dic = {}
for atom in mol:
	basis_dic[atom.index]=get_bfi2(mol.get_chemical_symbols(), 'dzp', [atom.index])

Input from Gaussian09

Obtaining input from Gaussian is slightly more tricky. One way to go about it is to save the read-write file (.rwf) by including the following lines in the beginning of the Gaussian input file (.com):


The .rwf can then copied to the working directory. The script parse_g09.sh can then be used to extract the required input. The script takes the output file of the calculation as input. This script relies on the tool rwfdump. Use tool directly from the terminal: python parse_g09.py mol.log

This will create a folder containing the necessary input. If using a Pople style basis set, the function get_basis_STOnG() which can be imported from NO.py does the exact same thing as GPAWs get_bfi2 and can be used in the same way to generate the library.

Obtaining natural orbitals

After the class has been initialized, different kinds of natural orbitals can be obtained as linear combination of the initial local basis.

By calling .get_NAO() you can get:

  • natural molecular orbitals: (.NO)
  • pre-natural atomic orbitals (.PNAO)
  • natural atomic orbitals (.NAOs)

By calling .get_natural_bonding_orbitals() you can get:

  • pre-natural hybrid orbitals (.PNHO)
  • natural hybrid orbitals (.NHOs)
  • natural bonding orbitals (.NBOs)

If you use GPAW, you can use the function plot_basis() to plot the orbitals obtained from GPAW calculations:

plot_basis(NO.NAOs, mol, pzs, basis = 'dzp', folder_name='./files_benzene/pzs') 

Obtaining matrix elements

You can rotate matrix elements yourself:

h_NHO = np.dot(NO.NHOs.T.conj(), np.dot(NO.h, NO.NHOs))

You can also find some handy matrices as attributes:

h_NHO = NO.h_NHO

Calculating effective Hamiltonians

The function .get_effective_Hamiltonian() can be used to construct energy-dependent effective Hamiltonians:

get_effective_Hamiltonian(self, indices, energies,h2=None, s2=None):
		Function to calculate energy-dependent effective Hamiltonian. 
		The Green's function of the effective Hamiltonian reproduces the corresponding retarded Green's function elements of the full non-interacting Hamiltonian. 

Calculating transport properties

The class can be used to calculate the Landauer transmission of gas phase molecules using the method get_transmission(). This requires specifying electrode self energies. Arbitrary Hamiltonians and overlap can be specified.

		Returns tranmission or partitioned tranmission (if partition!=None). 
		energies: list/1D-array of energies. 
		SigmaL/R: Left and right wide-band electrodes. 
		h2/s2: if None: Assume NAO. 
		eta: positive infinitesimal used to construct retarded Green's function. 
		rotate: array which defines unitary transformation. If!=None: SigmaL/SigmaR/h/s will be rotated to basis. 
		partition: List of lists. E.g. [ [0,10], [20,40] ] 
			If!=None: will return partitioned transmission as sum of terms 
			GammaL_ij Gr_jk GammaR_kl Ga_li where i,j,k,l are indices in one of the lists. 