
Demo of OPA bundle signature creation and verification

Primary LanguageOpen Policy Agent

OPA Bundle Signing

Simple demonstration of bundle signing and verification for Open Policy Agent (OPA).

Create RSA key pair

First of all, we'll need a key pair (a private key for signing and a public key for verification):

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

Create .signatures.json

Given that we have a policy directory we'll want to create bundle from, we can now create a .signatures.json file, which we'll later use for bundle verification:

opa sign --signing-key private_key.pem --bundle policy/

Once created, move the .signatures.json file into the bundle directory:

mv .signatures.json policy/

Build bundle

We're now ready to build the bundle, providing both the signing key and the verification key:

opa build --bundle --signing-key private_key.pem  --verification-key public_key.pem policy/

Upload bundle to bundle server

Next, move bundle to bundle server. For the purpose of the example, we'll use an nginx server running locally. The below command is on Mac OS with nginx installed via brew — the location of the nginx "www" directory may obviously vary.

mv bundle.tar.gz /opt/homebrew/var/www

Run OPA with bundle verification config


    url: http://localhost:8080

    service: nginx
    resource: bundle.tar.gz
      keyid: verifier

    key: changeme

We now have a signed bundle served from our bundle server, so let's start the OPA server with a config file pointing out its location. Note especially the use of --set-file to point out the location of our public key. This is preferable over keeping keys embedded in the configuration:

opa run --server \
        --config-file=opa-conf.yaml \

Make sure you see "Bundle loaded and activated successfully." in the logs.
