
Open biodiversity data publication: guidelines, issues, and upcoming datasets

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Data publication guidelines


One of our missions is to unlock the biodiversity data managed by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO): both existing datasets and data collected through our terrestrial and freshwater observatories for the LifeWatch research infrastructure. The bulk of these data are occurrence and checklist data, which we publish as open, standardized, well-documented, GBIF-registered Darwin Core Archives on our GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT). For each dataset, we also openly track issues and review metadata on GitHub. To maintain a high level of quality and consistency, we started these data publication guidelines as a manual for our (and maybe your) data publication efforts.


Occurrence data

Overview of our datasets

Fork us

These guidelines are a work a progress, but you are very welcome to fork and use these yourself. If you have suggestions, let us know via an issue or pull request.