
This course will introduce continuous integration and continuous deployment with a hands-on workshop on a javascript application using CircleCI as our build server and Heroku as web server.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build and Deploy

This exercise is a JavaScript application which is only partly implemented. Using continuous integration and continuous deployment, we will utilize some cloud tools to provide the deployment pipeline. We will also use several tools which helps with development of JavaScript applications like npm, bower and grunt.

What you need

  • Make sure Git is installed and available on command line (git --version in a terminal should not produce an error). Install Git if you don't have it.
  • NodeJS with npm must be installed and available on command line (node -v and npm -v in a terminal should not produce an error. You should have a NodeJS version greater than 8 and npm version greater than 5). Install from: https://nodejs.org/
  • A good text editor of your choice, such as Atom, SublimeText, or Visual Studio Code. If you don't have a favorite already, we recommend Atom.
  • If you are completely new to JavaScript, it is recommended to explore and test the language beforehand
  • We will not go into the details about npm, bower and grunt. If you want to learn more about them, please see our JavaScript Infrastructure workshop.

How to get started

  • Although you have this README.md file on your computer, it's easier to read it on GitHub with formatting. We therefore recommend you keep a web browser tab open with the exercise tasks.
  • Start by opening exercise 1.
  • Remember to ask an instructor if you're stuck.


Symbols and notation used in exercises

Emojis with special meaning

✏️ - A task you should do
📖 - A section of text to read (no tasks, just information).
💡 - Additional information.
❗ - Something important.
❓ - Open-ended question for the reader ("What do you think would happen if...")
💩 - Bad practice (don't-do-this)
⭐ - A bonus task (not required)

Keyboard keys

Will look like this:


Diff blocks

Emphasizes how lines of text should change.

- this text was removed
+ and replaced with this text