
ResJS is a resource to browse JavaScript libraries and discover new tools to use.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

To compile new template:

From within /public/js folder:
handlebars resources.handlebars -f template.js -k each -k if


  • Add a form to submit libraries or host the json on Github and accept commits.
  • Add a simple message in the noscript.html page.

Would Be Nice TODO:

  • Consider a url shortner for the really long links - Maybe not needed, just better, more generic names for the links.
  • Everything must have a Name, URL & Description or it's not ready
  • Note direct downloads when they are the only thing available. (currently jXHR)
  • What's the difference between code and download? Which do you want to provide a link to or both?
  • Pull more info with calls to the Github API when possible? http://developer.github.com/v3/#json-p-callbacks