
A place to share talks from tech conferences and get hyped about future conferences. Made for EdgeDB + Vercel Hackathon 4/26/2024-5/26/2024


  • Create Edge DB and connect locally and on the cloud
  • Set up authentication flow
  • Successful initial deployment
  • Setup shadcn with custom theme
  • Create schemas for the different models like talk, conference, talk comment, conference post, conference member, etc.
  • Setup UploadThing
  • Talk recordings
    • Create form for uploading new talks
    • Set up Youtube player to display recorded talks
    • Add comments for authenticated users on each video
    • Track views and likes on each video
    • Have a page for displaying the top 50 talks (by # of likes)
    • Users can search for talks by different tags like "Javascript", "AI", "Informative", "Funny/entertaining"
    • Users can also search by the speaker
    • Users can search by year and conference
    • Bonus If a talk transcript is included, it can be searched for with AI
  • Conferences
    • Users can see a list of groups for previous/upcoming conferences.
    • For upcoming and current conferences, users can opt into sharing their contact info with other people in the group who are also interested in connecting (tinder rules)
    • Users can ask questions and post different memories from the conference.
    • Users can upload photos they can share as memories
  • Users
    • Each user has a page that lists all of the conference groups they've attended
    • Add an option to connect a speaker profile to a user (Requires verification)
  • Create a landing/home page with popular and recent talks
  • Optimize and other considerations for production- Remove unnecessary console.logs, consider setting up upstash, security check, etc.