
A React app I made as a coding challenge as a part of my application to Tandem

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tandem Trivia

A React app I made as a coding challenge for my application to Tandem


  1. Download or clone this repository
  2. npm install
  3. To run in development environment, npm start OR to run it in production
    1. npm run build
    2. npm install -g serve
    3. serve -s build
    4. The production app is now running on http://localhost:5000


  • Basic authentication system - there's no database, so all user data is stored on localstorage.
  • Every round the game grabs 10 raandom trivia questions from a JSON file. Every question is worth 100 points each.
  • At the end of a round, if the current score is greater than a user's previous high score, a new high score is set.
  • The top 5 users are shown at the end of each round.


  • The app is made with React JS
  • Redux is used to store and update the current score
  • I used Grommet to speed up the styling and to ensure overall aesthetic cohesion


This app was mainly made as a demonstration of my React and Javascript skills, and as such, doesn't include any sort of backend. At a certain point, the users data will become too large for localstorage to hold.

Right now, it is possible to go a round without answering any questions at all, this is generally fine, but ideally a user would not be able to progress to the next question without answering

I wanted to integrate Jest to write unit tests, but I haven't written tests for React components before, so I made the decision to forgo it and use the debugger devtool instead.

Possible future features

  • A challenge mode that introduces a multiplier- right answers will add 100 * the multiplier to the score and then increase the multiplier by 1, wrong answers would subtract 100 * the multiplier and reset it back to 0.
  • After finishing a certain number of rounds, grant the user the ability to write their own question into the game
  • Add an Express JS or Python Flask backend server with a database to make the app more scalable