ODSC West 2020 Presentation Key Ideas

Comedy of Life - 2020

  • Life will knock you off your feet over and over
  • You have no idea what your future is, but every exprience makes it richer. There is no wasted experience.

It is an Exciting Time to Be in Data Science

  • So many opportunities
  • So few practitioners
  • Nothing matters but, Can you do the work?
  • It's almost like it was in the old west with doctors

It is a Scary Time to Be in Data Science

  • So much to learn
  • So many doubts, Am I good enough?
  • Instructor to his son story

I Have See So Many Success Stories

The Right Foundations

  • Be open to the moment's comedy
  • Always be looking for oportunities to help others
  • Pursue the best solution, not seek validation of your ideas
  • Trust what you know
  • You don't have to know everything
  • You have to know how to learn anything
    • repetition required
    • working on real projects is the best way
  • Be curious
  • Have fun
  • Teach in order to learn
  • Redefine failure
    • Job Interview - This could be the only time I get to talk to these fascinating people, I'm going to get the most out of it
    • Coding Challenges - Learn what they are about
    • Failure is preparing you to help others
  • Build your brand
    • github readme so important - first impression you make
    • follow and interact online
    • write, read, speak, youtube
    • be kind
  • You cannot even remotely imagine your future, don't worry
  • All experiences add can add value to your brand

Stories Are The Key To Success

  • What Story Does Your Data Tell?
    • Be curious
    • There is no magic, everthing is connected
  • How Will You Tell The Data’s Story?
    • You become a storyteller
    • Know your audience
    • Follow great story tellers
    • Never forget that your stories will impact people's lives.
  • What Is Your Story?
    • We all have an internal story that is self-created
    • We all always succeed at fulfilling our story (we live the story we believe)
    • Find / Create a great story (make it beautiful and resilient)
      • Purpose vs Pleasure
      • Connection vs Isolation
      • Now vs Fantasy
    • Create The principles of your story
      • Why is therapy so often helpful? - To speak about something requires distancing from it.
      • When the self-defeating story surfaces, remember your principles
      • The power of self-care - you can only really give others what you've given yourself

My Story

Life has shown me in very vivid ways how precious, fragile, resilient and beautiful life is. When I'm at my best, I am a living the life of an always curious seeker who sees a lot of humor in life. I just want to do whatever I can to help others. I love quest stories and my favorite characters are the ones who become more than you'd ever imagine from unexpected beginnings. Yes, I was born and raised in North Dakota. When I'm at my worst, I forget this story and seek worth from things outside my control.

My Story Principles

  • Every Day Is A Gift
  • Every Person Is A Wonder
  • Life is Short
  • If I'm not having fun or this isn't important to me, why am I doing it?

Resource List From Presentation

Technology Books

Deep Learning Illustrated Your can order here: order - use KROHN at checkout for 35% off Jon's ML Foundations Series

Hands On Machine Learning

Data Science For Business

Story Telling With Data

Life Books



Power of Vulnerability Audio

Leading With Gratitude


10 Signs You Will Suck at Programming

Signs That You Are A Good Programmer

What Makes A Great Software Engineer

Reading List Example

Best Blogs Example

Best Podcasts Example

DataRobot Blog