
🔥 Slurk is one of Norway's biggest party games, with over 3000 unique questions! The app gives that little extra at the party or afterparty, whether it is with new or old friends!

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Slurk is one of Norway's biggest party games, with over 3000 unique questions! 🔥

The app gives that little extra at the party or afterparty, whether it is with new or old friends! The game contains well-known drinking games such as "Pointing game", "Thumbs up or down", "Category", "Challenge" etc.

Launch the app, enter the name of the players (or not) and choose the mode that best suits your mood.

🧐 Where to download?

The app can be found at both the Play Store and the App Store! 🔥

🔥 GIFs and images from the app