
This is a test project. The goal is to use the Public Marvel API, in client-side, validating the return of endpoints. With Ruby and Airborne(Api testing framework)

Primary LanguageRuby

Marvel Api test by Anderson de Vasconcelos Sant'Ana



This is a test project. The goal is to use the Public Marvel API, in client-side, validating the return of endpoints. This project uses:

  • Airborne(RSpec driven API testing framework)
  • Rubocop(Ruby static code analyzer and code formatter.)
  • dotenv(to load environment variables from .env)


  • Ruby 2.5.1
  • Docker


  • Before everything, take your own Marvel api-key: https://developer.marvel.com/signup
  • copy .env-example to a new file, named: .env and populate PUBLIC_KEY and PRIVATE_KEY with your keys.
  • With docker, only run: docker build .
  • Without docker, first install gems: bundle install, then: rspec


  • First, always run 'rubocop' when you make any changes
  • Commit, and be happy