
A sample Slack Command API application written in Ruby using Sinatra.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Congratulation Slack Command App

This is a sample implementation to test Slack Command API.

It's composed by a basic Sinatra application that receives a POST message in the /slack/command path, authorizes it, parses the params and returns the response to the sender if the congratulation was correctly sent.

You can find more detailed information about this project at:

Also, read the commit history to understand how it has evolved, step by step.

Slack Command

Commands enable users to interact with your app from within Slack. This application respond to the following command structure:

/congratulate @john for his new product release! It's brilliant!

It has a command (/congratulate), a receiver (@john) followed by a message.

This command is sent via a POST request like bellow:

{"token"=>"XXXXX", "team_id"=>"YYYY", "team_domain"=>"ZZZZ", "channel_id"=>"UUUU", "channel_name"=>"directmessage", "user_id"=>"AAA", "user_name"=>"anderson", "command"=>"/congratulate", "text"=>"@john  for his new product release! It's brilliant!", "response_url"=>"https://hooks.slack.com/commands/YYYY/DDDDDDDDDDD/HASH"}

The Slack App

The app consists of two components:

  • Slach Commands
  • Permissions

The commands are pointed to https://congratulate.herokuapp.com/slack/command.

And it has two permissions:

  • commands: in order to receive slack commands
  • chat:write:bot: in order to send messages as the application.

The Sinatra Application

It's this application and it's running at https://congratulate.herokuapp.com/.

It responds to one route /slack/command and it's secured by the slack application token sent via post (see SlackAuthorizer class).

In order to be able to receive any information from slack you must setup SLACK_TOKEN env var and send the same value in the post token data.

The command invoker must receive a response if the command was valid or not and the congratulated user must receive a notification.

Messaging to another user

In order to send a message to the receiver the application needs to use the https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage API.

This API requires us a specific OAuth token to be used and it can be found at https://api.slack.com/apps/XXX/oauth.

Also it requires the chat:write:bot permission.

We send the message via curl, using spawn, a ruby async call to system functions, so there is no process block and no need to use paid workers at heroku. ;)

See SlackMessenger class.

Running it locally

In order to run the sinatra app you must declare the ENV vars before the rackup:



  • Improve specs related to HTTPClient requests;
  • Do not allow users to send congratulations to themselves;
  • Validates if the congratulated username is valid;
  • Send the direct message asynchronously to prevent slow response times.