DelayedJobMailer ============== This plugin provides a module which - when included into an ActionMailer subclass - pushes all emails that would normally be delivered synchronously into a queue for asynchronous processing. For queuing it relies on the delayed_job plugin ( ). How it works ============ The plugin provides a module Delayed::Mailer. To make a mailer use a queue simply include it into the class like this: class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base include Delayed::Mailer end From now on all MyMailer.deliver_whatever_email calls create an entry delayed_job queue. If you still want to deliver mail sycnhronously add a bang to the method call: MyMailer.deliver_whatever_email! To set asynchronous mailing as project default, you need to create an initializer file as follows: # config/initializers/delayed_mailer.rb class ActionMailer::Base include Delayed::Mailer end Installation ============ script/plugin install git:// Configuration ============= Delayed e-mails is an awesome thing in production environments, but for e-mail specs/tests in testing environments it can be a mess causing specs/tests to fail because the e-mail haven't been sent directly. Therefore you can configure what environments that should be excluded like so: # config/initializers/delayed_mailer.rb Delayed::Mailer.excluded_environments = [:test, :cucumber] # etc. ... Credits ======= This plugin is a delayed job plugin based on langalex workling_mailer plugin that can be found at Contact ======= Copyright (c) 2009 Anderson Dias, released under the MIT license Email: andersondaraujo[at] Twitter: extendsmymind Blog: