Blazor Weather

A Blazor Weather sample app that shows the current weather for your current location and a collection of pinned locations.


You'll need an Accuweather API key to use their services. You can sign up for a free trial - just be aware it's only good for 50 requests/day.

To setup the API key in the Blazor WebAssembly app during development, run the app and the run localStorage.setItem("accuweathertoken", "\"**YOUR TOKEN**\"") in the browser dev console. Clear the API key from local storage when you're done with it


The weather is supplied by Accuweather.

Geolocation is handled using Blazor.Geolocation.

Local storage is handled using Blazored.LocalStorage.

Space Needle icon by Blair Adams via The Noun Project.

The demo site is hosted on a free Azure site, so be gentle 😄.