
Home Assistant Climate Groupe

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Home Assistant Climate Group

Groups multiple climate devices to a single entity. Useful if you have for instance multiple radiator thermostats in a room and want to control them all together. Inspired/copied from light_group component (https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/blob/dev/homeassistant/components/group/light.py)

How to install:


Add this repo (https://github.com/daenny/climate_group) to the HACS store and install from there.

local install

Put in "custom_components" folder located in hass.io inside the config folder. (The 2 .py file must be config/custom_components/climate_group)

Sample Configuration

Put this inside configuration.yaml in config folder of hass.io

  - platform: climate_group
    name: 'Climate Friendly Name'
    temperature_unit: C  # default to celsius, 'C' or 'F'
    - climate.clima1
    - climate.clima2
    - climate.clima3
    - climate.heater
    - climate.termostate

(use the entities you want to have in your climate_group)