Welcome to Flash Cards


As part of Ironhack course, this is our first deliverable project!

We were assigned to work in pair and deliver a game in 4 days.

One of the creators studies Japanese and the game serves to memorize the thousands of ideograms in the language.

Technical Requirements

  1. Render a game in the browser.
  2. Have logic for winning and/or losing and show feedback to the player in either case.
  3. Include separate HTML / CSS / JavaScript.
  4. Use plain JavaScript for DOM manipulation (or HTML canvas for graphics).
  5. Have a repo on GitHub.
  6. Have at least 1 commit per day that you worked on it.
  7. Be deployed online using GitHub Pages so that anybody can play it.
  8. Stick with KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principles.

Project Presentation

Presentation: link The game aims at training and memorization of Chinese/Japanese characters.

To start:

  • Select the ideogram level and amount of rounds;
  • There are rounds of 10, 15 and 20 with 2 , 3 , 4 lives, respectively;
  • The game starts with a ideogram(kanji) and you must select the option that represents its meaning;

Winning condition:

  • You must complete the rounds without losing all of your lives.

What We Used & Learned

The kanji data being used was downloaded from this repository: davidluzgouveia/kanji-data.

Kanji font: Noto Serif JP

CSS frameworks: Bootstrap 5.2 & Animate.css

We lerned and improved on the following:


  • Bootstrap;
  • Animate.css;


  • Import Scripts;
  • OPP;
  • DOM;
  • Speech Synthesis;
  • JSON

Personal Information

We are students of the full time class, full-stack web development course from the Ironhack bootcamp, we started in October 2022.

Anderson Toma:

Arash Kaffashi: