
Test bot for a small server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Honor Guard Bot

List of Commands / Pertinent Info


Lets the people know the door needs to be open. If the command is given as >door vulgar, the bot will verbally abuse the chat while asking for the door to be open.

EXAMPLE USAGE: >door OR >door vulgar

>fde [af/afpro/full/fullpro] [number of commands]

Allows you to auto generate an FDE, depending on what arguments you supply to the bot. Af and afpro refer to standard and advanced versions of FDEs using the AFMAN36-2203. full and fullpro refer to FDEs generated with commands from both the AFMAN36-2203 and the MCO P5060.20 Appendix A.

EXAMPLE USAGE: >fde af 10


The bot Direct Messages you a list of commands and pertinent information



Asks for accountability. Each time "here" is said in the chat, it is counted as someone being here. Time limit is 30 seconds for the accountability to be taken. Will display who said they were here.


>resources [topic]

Allows the user to get links to documentation and links pertinent to Honor Guard. Specify what you want by adding another word to this command from the following list: af, af-dnc, mc-dnc, facebook, fb, af-hg

EXAMPLE USAGE: >resources af

>roster [role]

Sends a roster of people from a specific role. Add another word to this command (officers/actives/trainees/all) to specify which roster of people you want. Rosters are auto-managed as people are added to roles on discord.

EXAMPLE USAGE: >roster actives

Questions / Concerns

Ask Sepulveda.