
AI agents built on Anthropic LLMs, interacting with Transport for London APIs; tutorial implementation of agent system using tool-using LLMs

Primary LanguagePython

AI Assistant Prototype for London Transit Planning

Transport for London (TfL) publishes a number of APIs for public transit in London, UK. The code in this repo is a prototype AI assistant comprising four AI agents that through tool-use gathers data from the TfL APIs and presents the results in various ways (text summary, map drawings, calendar reminders). The tool-using AIs are all based on Anthropic's LLM APIs.

The prototype is discussed in detail in the following article in Towards AI.

The prototype can be run on command-line, see the script main_agents.py.

To run the prototype two API keys are required:

  • Anthropic API key, assumed to be stored in environment variable ANTHROPIC_API_KEY.
  • TfL API key, assumed to be stored in environment variable TFL_API_KEY.

The latter can be requested for free after registration at: https://api-portal.tfl.gov.uk/signup

Agent Design and Instantiation

The agent design is shown in the image below.


All agents in the prototype are instantiated in agent/build_agents.py. They are instances of the Engine class in semantics/anthropic/engine.py.

TfL APIs and Payload Processing

The TfL API endpoint Journey/JourneyResult is relatively complex. In order to manage calls to it, the parameters for the TfL API are a Pydantic model in journey_planner. This was created in November 2024 and at the time compatible with the TfL API.