
Javascript Events Library for Frontend Framework/Application Development

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Javascript Events & Sessions Library for Frontend Framework/Application Development



BlueJS offers a simple way to manage and attach DOM events to HTML elements for dynamically updating DOMs. This framework is intended to be used where the host backend is offering Templated DOM updates to a display frontend. The library is a shallow unopinionated framework and leaves all handler development to the user. There is no swapping logic involved as is customary in HTMX as it is assumed the fetched data handlers assume control of handler response.

<li bluejs="unique-tag" bluejs-trigger="click" bluejs-binding="myHandler"> Item1 </li>

This let's us easily address registered handlers for dynamically loaded content and let's us seperate presentation concerns and backend state. Keep in mind that this is a simple tool Library rather than a full framework, additional features may be added but none are planned..


We map handlers through bluejs.addBinding(name, handler) so keep in mind that you will effectively be developing a handlers key based API. Calling bluejs.API() presents a dictionary of keys and handler descriptions to your application


bluejs should have the handlers added prior to usage. Once the document loads bluejs will register the current DOM and then listen for any changes on the DOM. If you need to improve performance you can have bluejs listen to a subtree tag item on the DOM.

BlueJs is meant to be a simple library for managing dynamically loaded content and allows users to implement their own custom handlers, this lets us write and control our async operations with any fidelity we need without further abstraction or need for extensions. For example we can plug in any sort of request mechanism over any protocol as long as the behavior is captured by our handlers.


Define event handlers function myHandler(e){e.preventDefault()} and pass to bluejs when initializing your application with bluejs.addBinding(name,handler)

Bind the event handlers to dynamically imported elements by including the bluejs attributes.

<li bluejs="unique-tag" bluejs-trigger="click" bluejs-binding="myHandler"> Item1 </li>

Feature Requests

This is just a port of a simple event handler library feel free to modify and extend as needed. Not actively maintained.