Computer science graduate student with proven problem solving, organizational and leadership skills. While I've spent the majority of my career in the profession of arms as a Non-Commissioned Officer, I have dualy committed myself to being both a scholar and warrior. With that I have embraced continuous development and personal growth in all facets of life with the goal of excellence in all that I do. From an academic standpoint I am ready for the advanced mathematics required for research and for state of the art applications in Computer Science with foundations in statistical methods in linear algebraic systems. My service in active duty is one of extreme committment to the Air Force and has resulted in recieving distinguished titles such as NCO of the year with multiple packages considered at the Air Force Level which puts me far ahead of my peers.
- Parallel/Distributed Computing (OpenMP)
- Low-Level Machine Code / Systems (LLVM IR)
- Machine Learning / Neural Networks
- Advance Statistics / Linear Algebra / Calculus
- Meteoroligical Datasets / Visual Weather Functional Analysis
- Important Flexible and dynamic learner, was able to succeed in Advanced Statistics UIS 420 with waiver for Calculus III.
Prepared a variety of different written communications, reports and documents to ensure smooth operations. Ensured functionality of $2.9M Automated Airfield Sensors delegating hot-fix solutions for malfunctions
Leads 11 member team during 24/7 operations ensuring continuous protection of $6.1B in DoD assets Communicated environmental impact thresholds to AF Combatant Command units providing real-time NK ISR capabilities.
Supported multi-national coalitions with 12 partner nations showcasing USAF Weather field capabilities in PACAF/USAFE across multiple deployments
Operations weather support across broad range of military capabilities and applications including, CAS, ISR, Transport, Air-To-Air, Air-To-Surface, Maritime, and Mission operations planning with direct support to top-level commanders.
Manages deployments for 95 Active Duty military members, coordinates deployment of members and logistical assets to high-threat Areas of Responsibilty in-support of 3 Theater Combatant Commands along with member training, commander requirements, and logistical processing.
- Graduated with 3.7 GPA from University
- Graduated Cum laude
- Coursework in Linear Algebraic Equations, Advanced Statistics I
- Coursework Systems Architecture, Data Structures & Algorithms, Parallel Computation
- Course work in Machine Learning and Neural Networks
- Aspiring research student
All projects are independently pursued and self-directed unless
Evolution of the GoLang high level language specification with static compilation and JIT with LLVM toolchain support, fully supports C, C++, Objective-C integration with Clang compatibility.
GoLang integration of Vulkan C API with higher level rendering engine capabilities. Designed to allow unification of compute kernel architecture with Vulkan Graphics API, helpful on systems which have deprecated or limited OpenGL support (mac os x).
Golang Computational Fluid Dynamics solver API, provides solver interfaces for both Grid, SPH, and Hybrid methods. Supports compute to render pipeline for fluid compute solvers.
Ray based atmospheric effects simulation, computes lightpath scattering equations for a spectral based light source and simulates realistic and composable atmospheres.
Packaging and versioning system for Leo Language.
Undergraduate software capstone project. Using Java with "Gradle" developed highly distributable REST API binary with distributed in-memory database. Entire project utilized no major dependencies and built in < 10MB and demonstrated high throughput capabilities.
Have experience writing my own fully executable statically compiled language across multiple platforms. However, these are my preferred languages:
- Golang, Java, Swift, C++, C
- GPU Computation/Simulation (SPH/FLIP FLuids / Path-Tracing / Numerical)
- Distributed Systems / Systems Architecture
- Languages & Services
- Neural Network Solvers