Enhanced CLI configurable for a specific project. Install and place .nodeplus file in project root directory to configure.
npm install node-repl-plus --save-dev
Create a .nodeplus file in the project root. See below for basic example.
Run in project with
npx nodeplus
/*------------------------------- ALLOW IMPORT OF TYPESCRIPT FILES -------------------------------*/
// Install with npm install --save-dev module-alias to make this work.
/*=========================== ADD ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES TO process.env ===========================*/
const path = require('path');
// Reference to root path of project.
// Install with npm install --save-dev app-root-path
const {path: rootPath} = require('app-root-path');
// Grab project config.
// Install with npm install --save dotenv
const {config: envConfig} = require('dotenv');
// Activate environment variables in a .env file.
// Assumes env file is at ./config/env/.env relative to project root.
envConfig({path: path.join(rootPath, `./config/env/.env`)});
/*================================== REPLACE EXISTING FUNCTIONS ==================================*/
// Override fetch to use the same fetching mechanism as the frontend. Must ts-ignore for this to work.
const fetchNew = require('isomorphic-fetch');
// @ts-ignore
fetch = fetchNew;
/*=================================== ADD TOP-LEVEL VARIABLES ====================================*/
* Add global temp for convenience (automatically referenceable).
* Call "temp" in the CLI to access its value, including assigning a new value
global.temp = null;
//================================ CUSTOM FUNCTIONS CAN BE ADDED =================================//
/*----------------------------------- Fetch from API function ------------------------------------*/
* Perform fetch from local route.
* @param {string} route Route to make request to
* @param {string} [method] Optional GET, PUT, or POST
* @param {object} [body] Object to JSON stringify and send w/ request (if POST or PUT)
* @param {boolean} [verbose] If true, log more.
const apiFetch = (route, method = 'GET', body = {}, verbose = false) => {
let reqRoute = route.match(/^\//g) ? `http://localhost:${process.env['PORT']}${route}` : route;
if (!reqRoute.match(/^https?:\/\//g)) {
reqRoute = `http://${reqRoute}`;
if (verbose) console.log('apiFetch :: request route (reqRoute):', reqRoute);
// True if a body object containing content was given
const isBody = body && Object.keys(body).length > 0;
if (verbose) console.log('apiFetch :: isBody?', isBody);
let resStore;
const headers = {
...(isBody ? {Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} : {})
if (verbose) {
console.log(`apiFetch :: headers:`, headers);
console.log(`apiFetch :: body:`, body);
// Make actual request
return (
fetch(reqRoute, {
mode: 'cors',
body: isBody ? JSON.stringify(body) : undefined,
credentials: 'include'
// Assume response JSON
.then(res => {
console.log(`res:`, res);
resStore = res;
return res.text();
// If response not JSON, try handling it as text
.catch(err => {
console.log(`err:`, err, `err keys:`, Object.keys(err));
if (err && err.type === 'invalid-json') return resStore.text();
throw err;
// Log result and return it
.then(data => {
return data;
// Handle error when all other options fail
.catch(err => console.log(`Failed to fetch from route "${route}" with error:`, err))
// Attach replDescription__ property to a function to make the description appear in the CLI help
// output for the associated function.
apiFetch['__repl_description__'] = `Make API request to local server, with all config (e.g. auth headers) take care of.`;
/*--------------------------------------------- DB -----------------------------------------------*/
// Can add a DB connector, and a function to automatically make calls to the database via the automatically created connection.
/*----------------------------------- MISC ADDITIONAL IMPORTS ------------------------------------*/
// `npm install --save array-sort` to get access to this
const arraySort = require('array-sort');
// `npm install --save mathjs` to get access to this
const mathJs = require('mathjs');
mathJs['__repl_description__'] = `Public module for handling complex mathematical operations.`
/*-------------------------------------------- EXPORT --------------------------------------------*/
// Anything exported here becomes accessible at the top level in the CLI e.g. this would work:
// apiFetch(`/api/posts`, 'GET').then(posts => { console.log(posts); temp = posts; });
module.exports = {
// Any field listed here goes in the "essential descriptions" section below all other descriptions,
// shown when added globals are displayed on calling .help_added_globals called, or on REPL boot.
__essential_defs__: ['apiFetch', 'mathJs'],