RightBin is a fun game to teach San Franciscans how to pick the right bin and save the planet.
- Players are present with streams of different types of waste which they must drag into the appropriate bin (compost, recycling landfill).
- 10 points are awarded for picking the right bin.
- Pick the wrong bin or don't sort the waste in time and 10 points are deducted.
- Vanilla JS for game logic
- HTML5 Canvas and EaselJS for DOM manipulation and rendering
- SoundJS for game sounds
- Webpack for bundling scripts
- Collision detection between the waste and the bin determines if the waste item has been placed correctly or incorrectly and increments/decrements the score accordingly.
collisionCheck() {
//check if the trash has collided with a bin
//if it's collided with the right bin type, accrue points
//if it's collided with the wrong bin type, lose points
this.waste.forEach((waste, idx) => {
const wasteHeight = waste.waste.image.height * waste.waste.scaleY;
const bottomWasteBorder = waste.waste.y + (wasteHeight / 2);
this.bins.forEach(bin => {
//go about 1/3 of the way into the waste item
const wasteX = waste.waste.x;
const binWidth = bin.bin.image.width;
const binHeight = bin.bin.image.height;
const binXBorderLeft = bin.bin.x - (binWidth / 2);
const binXBorderRight = bin.bin.x + (binWidth / 3);
const binYBorderTop = bin.bin.y - (binHeight / 3);
//if the waste center is between the bin's X axis borders
//and the bottom 1/3rd of waste is beyond the top border of bin
if ((wasteX > binXBorderLeft && wasteX < binXBorderRight) &&
bottomWasteBorder > binYBorderTop) {
if (waste.type === bin.type) {
this.waste.splice(idx, 1);
this.scoreVal += 10;
} else {
this.waste.splice(idx, 1);
this.scoreVal -= 10;
}, this)
}, this )
- Any waste that exceeds the boundaries of the canvas is remove from the Stage and state and the score is decremented
wrapCheck() {
//if any waste items exceed canvas boundaires, remove from
//stage and array
this.waste.forEach((waste, idx) => {
if (waste.waste.x + (waste.waste.image.width * waste.waste.scaleX / 2) > this.stage.canvas.width) {
this.waste.splice(idx, 1);
this.scoreVal -= 10;
- Multiple levels of difficulty (single bin, "no bin" items)
- Multiple trash velocities on more difficult levels