
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is just a simple bot joining configured channels and reacting to commands.
If you just want to block accounts for your personal channel, it is recommended to use ComanderRoot https://twitch-tools.rootonline.de/blocklist_manager.php.

This bot does quite the same, but for several channels aaS.


  • Make an account on Twitch (for your bot) or use the one you stream with.
  • Request an oauth code on https://twitchapps.com/tmi/. You'll need to login and give the app permissions to generate it for you.
  • Register your app with Twitch dev at https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps/create and request a client-id (so you can interface with Twitch's API)

how to use

Make changes to .env and config.json. These files will be read by the main script commandblock.js in order to get a list of accounts to be banned and channels to join.

Run docker build -t <tag> . to create a docker image or run the following commands to run the bot locally:

  • npm install dotenv tmi.js sleep console-stamp --save
  • node commandblock.js

In order to ban accounts from the list, the configured bot account (in .env) needs to have the /mod role on the target channel. The commands can also only be executed by the broadcaster (owner) or a user with mod role. If regulars execute the command the bot will do nothing.


  • !banrun (opt: info): will show a short help text
  • !banrun start: will start processing the ban list

updating the blocklist

Just add new entries to the config.json file (bans and channels) and re-run.
