
Performing classification tasks with the LibSVM toolkit on four different datasets: Iris, News, Abalone, and Income.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Data Mining: Classification with LIBSVM

  • Datasets:
    • Iris
    • News (subset of 20 Newsgroups dataset, with testing label)
    • Abalone
    • Income (UCI Adult Income dataset)


  • < libsvm 3.23 >
  • < scikit-learn 0.20.1 > (For date preprocessing)
  • < numpy 1.15.4 >
  • < pandas 0.23.4 >
  • < Python 3.7 >

File Description

├── src/
|   ├── 1_iris.sh
|   ├── 2_news.sh
|   ├── 3_abalone.sh
|   ├── 4_income.sh
|   └── data_loader.py
├── data/
|   ├── iris
|   |   ├── iris.tr
|   |   ├── iris.te
|   |   └── iris.names
|   ├── news
|   |   ├── news.tr
|   |   ├── news.te
|   |   └── news.names
|   ├── abalone
|   |   ├── abalone_test.csv
|   |   ├── abalone_train.csv
|   |   └── abalone.names
|   └── income
|       ├── income_test.csv
|       ├── income_train.csv
|       └── income.names
├── result/ ---------------------> model prediction output
├── problem_description.pdf -----> Work spec
└── Readme.md -------------------> This file


Compile LibSVM from binary:

  • Use the libsvm-3.23/ provided in this repo, or compile by yourself:
  • Unzip libsvm-3.23.zip with: $ libsvm-3.23.zip
  • In libsvm-3.23/ type: $ make

Run LibSVM on the Iris Dataset:

  • $ ./1_iris.sh
  • There are four modes that can be set manually in the script (Line 19-22):
    • RUN_BEST: Run training and testing using the best parameter.
    • COMPARE_KERNAL: Run training and testing with different kernal settings and compare performance.
    • COMPARE_SCALE: Run training and testing with different kernal settings in addition to data scaling and compare performance.
    • RUN_ALL: Run everything above.

Run LibSVM on the News Dataset:

  • $ ./2_news.sh
  • There are four modes that can be set manually in the script (Line 19-23):
    • RUN_BEST: Run training and testing using the best parameter.
    • COMPARE_KERNAL: Run training and testing with different kernal settings and compare performance.
    • COMPARE_CSVM: Run training and testing with C-SVM settings and compare performance.
    • COMPARE_SCALE: Run training and testing with different kernal settings in addition to data scaling and compare performance.
    • RUN_ALL: Run everything above.

Run LibSVM on the Abalone Dataset:

  • $ ./3_abalone.sh
  • There are four modes that can be set manually in the script (Line 21-25):
    • RUN_BEST: Run training and testing using the best parameter.
    • COMPARE_KERNAL: Run training and testing with different kernal settings and compare performance.
    • COMPARE_CSVM: Run training and testing with C-SVM settings and compare performance.
    • COMPARE_SCALE: Run training and testing with different kernal settings in addition to data scaling and compare performance.
    • RUN_ALL: Run everything above.

Run LibSVM on the Income Dataset:

  • $ ./4_income.sh
  • There are four modes that can be set manually in the script (Line 18-26):
    • RUN_BEST: Run training and testing using the best parameter.
    • RUN_BEST_NFOLD: Run training and testing using the best parameter with N-Fold cross validation.
    • COMPARE_KERNAL: Run training and testing with different kernal settings and compare performance.
    • COMPARE_CSVM: Run training and testing with C-SVM settings and compare performance.
    • COMPARE_SCALE: Run training and testing with different kernal settings in addition to data scaling and compare performance.
    • RUN_ALL: Run everything above.

Result - Naive Bayes Performance

Iris Dataset Results

  • Best model training accuracy: 98.66%
  • Best model testing accuracy: 100%
  • Parameter and setting for best model: svm-train -s 0 -t 0
Kernel Type Testing Accuracy Testing Accuracy with Scaling
Linear 100.00% 97.33%
Polynomial 98.66% 70.66%
Radial Basis Function 97.33% 98.66%
Sigmoid 33.33% 96.00%

News Dataset Results

  • Best model training accuracy: 97.63%
  • Best model testing accuracy: 84.97%
  • Parameter and setting for best model: svm-train -s 0 -t 0 -e 0.01 -w3 2.5
Kernel Type Testing Accuracy Testing Accuracy with Scaling
Linear 83.36% 79.86%
Polynomial 49.51% 35.59%
Radial Basis Function 70.91% 69.02%
Sigmoid 70.91% 67.62%

Abalone Dataset Results

  • Best model training accuracy: 65.16%
  • Best model testing accuracy: 66.63%
  • Parameter and setting for best model: svm-train -s 0 -t 0 -e 0.01 -c 20
Kernel Type Testing Accuracy Testing Accuracy with Scaling
Linear 66.63% 57.81%
Polynomial 61.84% 57.91%
Radial Basis Function 66.25% 55.90%
Sigmoid 56.28% 54.94%

Income Dataset Results

  • Best model training accuracy: 85.23%
  • Best model 3-Fold cross validation accuracy: 85.10%
Kernel Type Cross Validation Accuracy Cross Validation Accuracy with Sklearn Scaling Cross Validation Accuracy with LibSVM Scaling
Linear 53.67% 85.07% 84.99%
Polynomial 44.37% 82.91% 75.96%
Radial Basis Function 75.68% 84.76% 83.47%
Sigmoid 75.96% 83.11% 83.41%

Data Preprocessing

Iris Dataset Preprocessing

  • None, this dataset is LibSVM ready.

News Dataset Preprocessing

  • None, this dataset is LibSVM ready.

Abalone Dataset Preprocessing

  • Specify each entry to either one of the data type: (int, str)
  • Change the first column (the sex attribute which is categorical and in str) into one-hot encoding vectors.
  • Write the resulting feature into LibSVM format.

Income Dataset Preprocessing

  • Specify each entry to either one of the data type: (int, str)
  • Identify all missing entries '?' and replace them with np.nan
  • Impute and estimate all missing entries:
    • If dtype is int: impute with mean value of the feature column
    • If dtype is str: impute with most frequent item in the feature column
  • Split data into categorical and continuous and process them separately:
    • categorical features index = [1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13]
    • continuous features index = [0, 2, 4, 10, 11, 12]
  • For categorical data:
    • 8 categorical attributes are transformed into a 99 dimension one-hot feature vector.
  • Normalize each attribute to zero mean and unit variance.
  • Write the resulting feature into LibSVM format.