
SmartHome library for Fritz!Box with Fritz!DECT200, CometDECT and nodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM Version Build status Donate

NOTE smartfritz has been replaced by fritzapi and is now deprecated.

Node module to communicate with a AVM Fritz!Box and various smart home devices like Fritz!DECT 200 outlet, FRITZ!Powerline 546E WLAN set and CometDECT thermostat providing the following functions:

General functions

  • Get the session ID (getSessionID)
  • Get device list as XML (getDeviceListInfo) >FritzOS 6.10
  • Get device list (getDeviceList) >FritzOS 6.10
  • Get device (getDevice) >FritzOS 6.10
  • Get temperature (getTemperature) - polyfill


getTemperature is not available on the FRITZ!Powerline 546E WLAN set and will always return NaN.

Fritz!DECT 200 outlet functions (includes FRITZ!Powerline 546E)

  • Get list (getSwitchList)
  • Get state (getSwitchState)
  • Set on (setSwitchOn)
  • Set off (setSwitchOff)
  • Get power (getSwitchPower)
  • Get energy (getSwitchEnergy)
  • Get presence status (getSwitchPresence)
  • Get name (getSwitchName)

For controlling AVM Fritz!DECT 200 devices the actuator identification number (AIN) is needed. the AIN can be obtained using getSwitchList which returns a list of AINs or the more general getDeviceList function which returns a verbose device list structure as JSON.

Comet DECT thermostat functions

Thermostat functions are only available as of FritzOS 6.36

  • Get list (getThermostatList) - polyfill
  • Set target temperature (setTempTarget), supports 'ON'/'OFF' to enable/disable thermostat
  • Get target temperature (getTempTarget)
  • Get comfort temperature (getTempComfort)
  • Get night temperature (getTempNight)
  • Get battery charge status (getBatteryCharge)


As of FritzOS 6.36 there is are no official function to obtain a list of thermostats, neither to get the thermostat's temperature. Also the switches getSwitchTemperature() function is not working in that firmware version. For an alternative approach the getTemperature() polyfill function was added which supports both switches and thermostats.

Wlan functions

  • Get the guest wlan settings (getGuestWlan)
  • Set the guest wlan (setGuestWlan)


getGuestWlan returns a structure containing all wifi settings found in the Fritz!Box UI. The setGuestWlan function accepts either a settings structure such as this or a single boolean value.

All functions have been tested on FritzOS 6.20/6.36/6.51 using the Fritz!Box 7390. The WLAN functions may be less stable.

Deprecated functions

As of version 0.5.0 the getSwitchTemperature function has been replaced with getTemperature which works for outlets and thermostats both.


npm install smartfritz-promise


As of version 0.7.0 smartfritz supports both the legacy functional interface as well a new object-oriented interface. The new object interface is the recommended way of using smartfritz.

Object-oriented interface

Get the list of switch AINs using a customer Fritz!Box address:

var Fritz = require('smartfritz-promise').Fritz;

var f = new Fritz("user", "password", "");


Functional interface

Get the session ID using default Fritz!Box address (http://fritz.box):

var fritz = require('smartfritz-promise');

fritz.getSessionID("user", "password").then(function(sid) {

Get the list of switch AINs using a custom Fritz!Box address:

var options = { url:"" };
fritz.getSessionID("user", "password", options).then(function(sid) {

  // note that the options/url need be carries through every single api call
  fritz.getSwitchList(sid, options).then(function(ains){

AHA HTTP Interface Documentation



Thanks to:

  • nischelwitzer for the basic js implementation (https://github.com/nischelwitzer/smartfritz)
  • steffen.timm for the basic communication function
  • thk4711 for the FRITZ!DECT 200 codes
  • AVM for providing the good AHA-HTTP interface document
  • EUROtronic Technology GmbH for providing free CometDECT thermostat sample
  • AVM for providing free FRITZ!Powerline 546E WLAN set