
A little webtool to help creating EC-Lab routines

Primary LanguageJavaScript

EC-Lab-Helper 👩‍🔬 🧑‍🔬 👨‍🔬

A little webtool to create EC-Lab routines for catalysis laboratories with a VMP-300 potentiostat. Other potentiostats with the EC-Lab software should work too but they are not tested. This tool should speed up work processes as the original EC lab routine creation is very buggy and annoying.

Documentation and HowTo

On the top, the webtool has two input fields to set the global boundaries for the CVs and all the other measurements. Underneath there are buttons to add measurement routines, you have to specify all the parameters for the specific measurement. With the "Export config file"-button you can download your individual config file and import it to EC-lab