
Please do not hesitate to suggest changes to the filter for tweets related to SharePoint Framework. #SPFx


Please do not hesitate to suggest changes to the filter for tweets related to SharePoint Framework. #SPFx

How to filter for SharePoint Framework #SPFx related tweets in TweetDeck

Over the last couple of days there were some tweets related to the beloved #SPFx keyword. Stefan Bauer shared something related to SharePoint Framework and got a new follower 😛

That’s the one side of the medal of using an abbreviation for SharePoint Framework that is also used by special effects and make-up folks.

The other side of the medal is: How do I filter in TweetDeck for Tweets that are related to SharePoint and not to makeup or something else?

For the inital post see: How to filter for SharePoint Framework #SPFx related tweets in TweetDeck

Be aware of the 500 character limit for the query string

Updating the filter requiers to monitor the filter lenght. The filter can only be 500 characters long. There is a documented limitation in the twitter apis. For more details: Search Tweets - Standard search API