Better Spots

Build Status

This project aim is to build location oriented store for collecting spots, which are dog-, mom-, vegan- or disabled people- friendly.

Using mostly following technologies stack:

Python 3
Django Rest Framework
Postgres + PostGIS

Up and running

What is needed to be installed on your system:

  • install vagrant tested on v. 1.9.4
  • install Virtual Box tested on v. 5.0.26
  • install pip if you don't have it already
  • required ansible version >= install via pip install ansible>=

Secret vars

All the secret variables (db passwords, access tokens, etc.) are stored in encrypted file secrets_vars.yml

In main directory you should create file .vault_pass.txt containing password needed for decryption.

For demo purpose fill the values in secrets_vars.yml or ask me for right content of .vaul_pass.txt:

db_password: "yourDesiredDBpass"
email_host_user: ""
email_host_password: "yourEmailPass"
django_secret_key: "YourDjangoSecretKeyYourDjangoSecretKeyYourDjangoSe"
google_map_api_key: "YourGoogleMapsAPIkeyYourGoogleMapsAPIke"
google_maps_js_key: "YourGoogleMapsJSApiKey"
mailtrap_user: "YourMailtrapUser"
mailtrap_password: "YourMailTrapPassword"
mailtrap_token: "YourMailTrapRestAPIToken"
recaptcha_public_key: "YourGoogleRecaptchaSiteKey"
recaptcha_private_key: "YourGoogleRecaptchaSecretKey"

To get decrypted values:

ansible-vault decrypt secrets_vars.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass.txt

Modify it (e.g add new variables) and encrypt it back (before pushing to repo):

ansible-vault encrypt secrets_vars.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass.txt

Git hook to prevent commiting unencrypted vars (place it in .git/hooks/pre-commit:

if grep -q password secrets_vars.yml; then
  echo "please encrypt the secrets, found raw word password"
  exit 1
elif grep -q secret secrets_vars.yml; then
  echo "please encrypt the secrets, found raw word secret"
  exit 1
elif grep -q key secrets_vars.yml; then
  echo "please encrypt the secrets, found raw word key"
  exit 1

exit 0

Bootstrap the project

Then just vagrant up !

after the whole provisioning is done without errors your machine with (Linux Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 LTS) is ready and you can vagrant ssh and run django server:

./ runserver 0:9000

and access from web browser:

Project targets

There are four projects (labels) possible:

  • dogspot
  • momspot
  • enabledspot
  • veganspot

you pick using one of labels by setting right settings import inside the file better-spots/better_spots/settings/ e.g for using dogspot label the content of the file should be:

from import *


Use swagger to browse API:


To run these few units:

./ test --settings=better_spots.unittesting