Sir Visvesvaraya Memorial PD 2021 Tech-Guide

A lot of Parliamentary debates have gone online due to the pandemic. It requires us to use multiple technologies, and often times not every participant is well-versed with every technology. Most organising committees will require to publish some sort of tech-guide for their participants.

This tech-guide is a template for organising committees using zoom+discord as their platform for hosting debates. Feel free to use this template after changing the logos, links, etc.

Table of Contents

How to use

  • Fork the repository to your github account

  • Clone the repository using:

  • git clone<username>/Vish-21-Tech-Guide.git
  • Open the file and input your information as required.

  • Print the file as an html file. Detailed instructions on how to do that can be found here: Link

  • You can host this webpage on your github (or as a publicly available website using github pages)

How to make changes

The whole point of creating a tech-guide like this is that it is highly dynamic. PDFs need to be generated over and over if you have to change anything. A simple webpage like this allows you to:

  • Modify links as and when you wish
  • Create different zoom calls and update links
  • Modify/evaluate policy changes as and when required
  • Have complete control over how your tech guide looks.


  • Make changes to the file as required
  • Commit and push the code on to your github profile
  • Setting up github pages can help you circulate the tech-guide in a convenient way. Link on how to set up github page

Feel free to sugest changes and contact for any help regarding tech :)