
hash table implementation in c

Primary LanguageC

Hash Table

Hash table implementation in c.

this project is created to test the owner of this repositories in C and algorithm and data structure


  1. No dynamic memory allocation.
  2. Hash collision handling.


  1. Slow.
  2. Lack of feature. such as resizeable


there's a custom struct called String as a wrapper to c-style string.

this string has a several function associated with it.

// Initialise a string with c-style string
void StringInit(String *string, char *cstr);
// Compare two string
bool StringCmp(String *s1, String *s2);
// get hash value of a string
int StringHash(String *const s);
// to assert to two string. for testing purpose
void StringAssert(String *s1, String *s2);

this string can be used as a key to the hashtable. and (for now ad probably forever) as a value to hash table.
for now, the hash implementations is simply to combine all bytes in string.

and for the hash table. there's this function associated with it.

// set item to hash table
void HashTableSetItem(HashTable *ht, Item *item);
// get item from hash table
Item *HashTableGetItem(HashTable *ht, String *const key);

the HashTableSetItem will call the hash function, modulo it with the length to get the index. that index can be used to set item to the bucket. if the index unfortunately already taken, that's mean there's a collission happened. that's why the type Item is actually linked list.

typedef struct Item
    String *key;
    String *val;
    struct Item *next;
} Item;

if the index is taken, we simply set item to the next properties in the struct. it is just a linked list.

if the set item have a same key string with the hash table. we override the string key, that unfortunately will be a problem in dynamically allocated Item. unless you are using arena allocator or something similar.