
de_DE shortcuts aren't the same on Windows and Linux

Closed this issue · 3 comments

why is it, that I can use Ctrl+Alt+q to write an @ or Ctrl+Alt+8, Ctrl+Alt+9 to write [ and ] on my Windows 10 machine but not on my Linux machine? Both run Atom 1.5.4 with latest "atom-keyboard-localization" package installed. On my Linux machine I need to use AltGr+q/8/9 and these shortcuts also work on my Windows 10 machine. Both installations are not customized with custom keymaps or init-scripts.

So I suspect it's either an package issue or it depends un the OS. Any comments?

hmps commented

I have a similar issue with different key mappings in different OS, see #112

This is an OS keydown handling issue.
Linux has a more proper AltGr keyhandling than Windows. Windows fires two keydown events(alt and ctrl) on AltGr down and linux fires only one event with a specific charcode for AltGr.

This package has been deprecated.
See details