
Norwegian translation of the book Free Culture by Lessig

Norwegian translation of Free Culture

The original book version is available from http://free-culture.cc/ .

See http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/Dugnad_for___sende_norsk_versjon_av_Free_Culture_til_stortingets_representanter_.html for a project description.

Norwegian translation of the book Free Culture by Lessig. Based on the Docbook version by Hans Schou. Other versions of the book can be found from the books remixes list.

The images were found in the HTML version available from Elegant Ebooks.

The source of this project is available from the free-culture-lessig github repository.

Text flow

The original source for the book is freeculture.xml, a Docbook formattet file. This file is transformed to the freeculture.pot, which is the base file for translators. It was copied to freeculture.nb.po as the starting point of the Norwegian Bokmål translation, and the text blocks are translated in this file.

Only the files freeculture.xml and freeculture.nb.po should be manually edited!

The freeculture.xml file is automatically combined with the freeculture.nb.po file to create a new generated file freeculture.nb.xml representing the Norwegian Bokmål Docbook version. This file is in turn used to generate the HTML, PDF and EPUB version of the book.


To build the PDF and EPUB version of this book, the following Debian packages are needed:

make po4a dblatex dbtoepub libxml2-utils gnuplot xmlto

When the build requirements are in place, the PDF and EPUB version of the book can be build by running 'make' on the command line.

Translation status