Currency Converter


Copy the folder CurrencyConverter into Statamic's addon folder.


Copy the CurrencyConverter folder into the addons folder of your site. After that, go into the control panel -> Addons and set the API Key for your site. You can get a key here.



{{ currency_converter from="USD" to="EUR" amount="99.85" }}
    <div class="bg-grey-darkest text-grey-lighest p-2 mx-4 shadow-inner">
        <span>≈ {{ currency }} {{ converted_amount }}</span>
{{ /currency_converter }}`

Also, using a variable you can pass a list of currencies to have multiple conversions. Just like that: {{ currency_converter from="USD" :to="currencies_list" amount="99.85" }}


Use public function getConversionRate(string $from, string $to) to get the conversion rate
Use public function convert(number $amount, string $from, string|array $to) to get converted values