
Data reflecting risk of losing CPAN distros with next perl release


Trying to reconstruct the page formerly known as http://analysis.cpantesters.org/beforemaintrelease

Things to know

Each json file potentially contains four figures per versioned distro:

  • passes for old perl
  • fails for old perl
  • passes for new perl
  • fails for new perl

The beforemaintrelease page had the following two filters applied:

  • ignore distros that had no pass on old perl and no pass on new perl
  • ignore distros that had all four figures > 0

This filtering tells potential cpan testers which distros seem worth to focus on for further analysis. Of very special interest would be those with only

  • passes for old perl
  • fails for new perl

Testers should try to focus on those to either produce more data or to produce evidence that some of them are showstoppers.

See also

See also: https://github.com/andk/analysis-cpantesters-annotate.git


Copyright (C) 2018 Andreas König. Licence not yet decided.